Meet Kipper!!
Meet Kipper ! Kipper is an Lhasa mix thought to be 6 years old weighing in at 14 lbs. He…
Meet Francie! She is thought to be a 2 year old 12 lb Maltese Terrier mix. Francie is current on…
Sunbeam / Clearwater
Let the sun shine in with your own SUNBEAM ! This little lady will warm your heart, with her bright…
Scheduled Meet and Greet Meet tiny Madeira! She is thought to be a shih Tzu Lhasa mix. She is about 9…
Meet Sushi ! She is one of our puppy mill fosters.She is thought to be a 6 year…
Meet Snookie ! Really , she is the same dog, after her foster mom added love and patience! Snookie ,…
He is thought to be a terrier/Papillion mix. He is about 8 lbs and about a year old. He is…
MEET ARCHIE ! You can have exercise AND entertainment with this 17 lb 2 year old terrier, terrier terrier mix….
I’m Phoebe, sweet, petite and I look great in pink! I’m 6 years old and I would love to have…
Barnaby is a leggy toy poodle. He is very sweet to the other pets and waits for his turn. He…
Meet and Greet Scheduled Curtis is 5 years Shiba Inu / Poodle mix, young and ready for some fun in…
Meet Yodel !
Meet Yodel the Yorkie! He is a shy little guy, but warms up quickley when he trusts you.. He…
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